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Stage 2 delves more deeply into topics.

  • Study of the baby/toddler class curriculum and goals
  • The importance of the baby/toddler class sequence and key teaching strategies
  • Discussion of the skill level of babies and toddlers
  • An emphasis on parent education
  • An outline of a prenatal music stimulation program for expectant families
  • Guides to prenatal resources
  • Analysis of flow and balance of the curriculum

There is a minimum of one written assignment required during this week. Each teacher participant has an opportunity to lead an activity and assist in the daily class during the training week. (Practice of team teaching)

A brief consultation will be scheduled for each teacher participant during the training period.

Upon completion of Stage 2 training, teacher participants are required to teach a SECE class during the 9 -12-month period before pursuing Stage 3 training. If a teacher has not yet started a class, participants are encouraged to take a Revisiting Stage One course or repeat Stage 1 or 2 training before pursuing Stage 3.

A period of 9 – 12 months is required before taking the next consecutive stage of training.