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This stage assumes teacher experience in the SECE baby/toddler classroom and addresses the development of new ideas.

  • Baby/Toddler class curriculum and goals including new “layers” for stimulating more excitement in classes
  • Discussion of strategies for the development of parents as excellent observers of not only their own child but the others in the class
  • Techniques for encouraging the celebration of each child’s smallest step through documentation and journaling.
  • Further investigation of current and applicable research as it applies to SECE
  • Teacher participants begin to develop their own collection of resources for SECE

There is a minimum of one written assignment required during this week. Each teacher participant has an opportunity to lead an activity and assist in the daily class during the training week. (Practice of team teaching)

A brief consultation will be scheduled for each teacher participant during the training period.

Upon completion of Stage 3 training, teacher participants are required to continue to teach a SECE class during the 9 -12-month period before pursuing Stage 4 training. Teacher participants are also encouraged to consider an SECE Practicum course, a Revisiting Stage One course, or retake earlier stages of training.

A period of 9 – 12 months is required before taking the next consecutive stage of training.